STP CFD brokers

When it comes to trading Contract for Difference (CFD), traders have a variety of brokers to choose from. One such type of broker is a Straight Through Processing (STP) broker. This article will explore what an STP broker is, the differences between STP brokers and other types of brokers, the benefits of using an STP broker, and the available alternatives.

What is an STP Broker?

STP brokers are a type of broker that directly pass clients’ orders to their liquidity providers, which can include banks, hedge funds, and other financial institutions. By doing so, STP brokers eliminate the need for a dealing desk, allowing for more efficient and transparent order execution.

STP vs. Other Brokers

STP brokers differ from other types of brokers, such as market makers and Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers, in several ways. While market makers create their own market by setting both the buy and sell prices, STP brokers send orders directly to the interbank market. This ensures that STP brokers don’t trade against their clients or manipulate prices.

ECN brokers, on the other hand, act as a bridge between traders and liquidity providers. They provide a trading platform that aggregates bid and ask prices from multiple liquidity providers, allowing for price competition and improved spreads. However,

ECN brokers typically charge a commission on top of the spread, whereas STP brokers usually incorporate their fees into the spread itself.

Benefits of Using an STP Broker

There are several advantages to using an STP broker for CFD trading, which may appeal to different types of traders.

Transparent Order Execution

One of the main benefits of using an STP broker is transparency in order execution. Since STP brokers directly pass clients’ orders to liquidity providers without any intervention, the potential for price manipulation or conflicts of interest is minimized.

Competitive Spreads

STP brokers often offer competitive spreads as they receive prices from multiple liquidity providers. This competition among providers leads to better pricing and tighter spreads for traders.

Faster Order Execution

Without a dealing desk, STP brokers can offer faster order execution, which is particularly important for traders who use short-term trading strategies or rely on fast market movements.


STP brokers provide a level of anonymity to traders, as orders are not visible to other market participants. This can be beneficial for traders who want to keep their trading strategies confidential.

STP Broker Platforms, Apps, and Demo Accounts

STP brokers offer a range of trading platforms and apps to cater to the needs of different traders. Some popular trading platforms used by STP brokers include MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which offer advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading options.

Many STP brokers also provide mobile apps for on-the-go trading, allowing traders to access their accounts and execute trades from anywhere, at any time. These apps are typically available for both iOS and Android devices and come with a user-friendly interface and essential trading tools.

Demo accounts are another feature offered by many STP brokers. These accounts allow traders to test the broker’s platform and trading conditions using virtual funds before committing real money. Demo accounts can be an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced traders to practice their strategies and become familiar with the broker’s offerings.

Alternatives to STP Brokers

While STP brokers have their benefits, some traders may prefer other types of brokers depending on their trading style and preferences.

Market Maker Brokers

Market maker brokers may be suitable for traders who prefer fixed spreads and do not require the fastest order execution. These brokers often have a user-friendly trading platform and may offer lower minimum deposit requirements, making them accessible to beginner traders.

ECN Brokers

Traders who prioritize tight spreads and want access to deeper liquidity may consider using an ECN broker. These brokers charge a commission on trades but provide access to a broader range of liquidity providers, leading to potentially better pricing and order execution.

Hybrid Brokers

Some brokers combine the features of STP and ECN models, offering traders the flexibility to choose between commission-based and spread-based pricing. Hybrid brokers can cater to a wider range of trading styles and preferences.


In conclusion, STP brokers offer several benefits, including transparent order execution, competitive spreads, and faster order execution. However, it’s essential for traders to evaluate their trading needs and preferences to select the most suitable broker for their requirements. Alternatives such as market maker brokers, ECN brokers, and hybrid brokers are available to cater to different trading styles and needs. By carefully considering each type of broker’s unique features and benefits, traders can make an informed decision and choose the right partner for their CFD trading journey.